Archive for March, 2010


Social Media Impacting PR

March 24, 2010

I read KDPaine’s PR Measurement blog today and liked the post she wrote citing Michelle Hinson and Don Wright about the impact social media has had on PR in the recent past.  I’ve listed some key points below that I found particularly intriguing.

  • In 2009, respondents saw search engine marketing as most important. This year Facebook and Twitter were seen as most important.
  • PR practitioners feel that whether you call it new media, social media, or blogs, their influence on the practice of public relations is growing.
  • While the majority gives traditional news media higher credibility scores, this year fully half of respondents now expect blogs and social media to be honest, tell the truth and advocate for a transparent and ethical culture.
  • People seem to accept the fact that social media encourages two-way conversations.
  • More and more people are putting social media under the public relations functions.

You can view the blog post here.


Me Inc.: Branding You

March 3, 2010

My PR Campaigns professor gave my class an assignment: Brand Yourself.  I thought this would be easy enough, but I was in for a ride.  This goes much deeper than your usual, “I’m a dedicated, hard-worker, who will bring another smiling face to your agency.”  Yeah, yeah.  We all do that.

BrandYou is supposed to set you apart from every other graduating senior in the world, or just wherever you’re applying for a job.  I am hoping that BrandMandi will do just that, and I will stick out in potential employers’ minds.  Here is what I came up with.  Grading comments from the one and only Scott Misner to come later.


My purpose in life is to learn as much as I can about anything, do a good job at whatever it is that I’m doing, challenge myself everyday with new things, and lead a successful and fruitful life.

Brand Values

True to myself and stick to my moral character

Constructively critical, but not judgmental

As close to a perfectionist as humanly possible

Goal-oriented and dislike incomplete projects

Lover of organization/neatness

Open to trying/learning new things

Brand Positioning Statement

Mandi Nealen is the brand of young, female graduating journalism student that provides a solid work ethic, coupled with a great personality and a ready for anything attitude to potential employers and those she meets.