
Social Media Impacting PR

March 24, 2010

I read KDPaine’s PR Measurement blog today and liked the post she wrote citing Michelle Hinson and Don Wright about the impact social media has had on PR in the recent past.  I’ve listed some key points below that I found particularly intriguing.

  • In 2009, respondents saw search engine marketing as most important. This year Facebook and Twitter were seen as most important.
  • PR practitioners feel that whether you call it new media, social media, or blogs, their influence on the practice of public relations is growing.
  • While the majority gives traditional news media higher credibility scores, this year fully half of respondents now expect blogs and social media to be honest, tell the truth and advocate for a transparent and ethical culture.
  • People seem to accept the fact that social media encourages two-way conversations.
  • More and more people are putting social media under the public relations functions.

You can view the blog post here.

One comment

  1. If you’re interested in measurement, also recommend following @donbart and his blog Metrics Man http://metricsman.wordpress.com/ …although he hasn’t posted in a while, he’s got some great insight! And I used to work with him!

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